Interface UserCreate


  • UserCreate


blocked?: boolean

Whether this user was blocked by an administrator (true) or not (false).

connection: string

Name of the connection this user should be created in.

email?: string

The user's email.

email_verified?: boolean

Whether this email address is verified (true) or unverified (false). User will receive a verification email after creation if email_verified is false or not specified

family_name?: string

The user's family name(s).

given_name?: string

The user's given name(s).

name?: string

The user's full name.

nickname?: string

The user's nickname.

password?: string

Initial password for this user (mandatory only for auth0 connection strategy).

phone_number?: string

The user's phone number (following the E.164 recommendation), only valid for users from SMS connections.

phone_verified?: boolean

Whether this phone number has been verified (true) or not (false).

picture?: string

A URI pointing to the user's picture.

user_id?: string

The external user's id provided by the identity provider.

user_metadata?: {
    [key: string]: any;

Data related to the user that does not affect the application's core functionality.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
username?: string

The user's username. Only valid if the connection requires a username.

verify_email?: boolean

Whether the user will receive a verification email after creation (true) or no email (false). Overrides behavior of email_verified parameter.