Interface ClientCreateClientAuthenticationMethodsPrivateKeyJwtCredentialsInner


  • ClientCreateClientAuthenticationMethodsPrivateKeyJwtCredentialsInner


Algorithm which will be used with the credential. Can be one of RS256, RS384, PS256. If not specified, RS256 will be used.

credential_type: "public_key"

Credential type. Supported types: public_key.

expires_at?: string

The ISO 8601 formatted date representing the expiration of the credential. If not specified (not recommended), the credential never expires.

name?: string

Friendly name for a credential.

parse_expiry_from_cert?: boolean

Parse expiry from x509 certificate. If true, attempts to parse the expiry date from the provided PEM.

pem: string

PEM-formatted public key (SPKI and PKCS1) or X509 certificate. Must be JSON escaped.