Class GuardianManager


  • BaseAPI
    • GuardianManager



configuration: Configuration


  • Gets the MFA policies for the tenant.

    The following policies are supported:

    • all-applications policy - will prompt with MFA for all logins.
    • confidence-score policy - will prompt with MFA only for low confidence logins.
    Use of the Adaptive MFA feature requires an add-on for the Enterprise plan. Please contact sales with any questions. For more information about Adaptive MFA, read our full documentation.

    Get the Multi-factor Authentication policies



    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<string[]>>

  • Retrieve SMS enrollment and verification templates (subscription required).

    A new endpoint is available to retrieve enrollment and verification templates related to phone factors (<a href='!/Guardian/get_templates'>phone templates</a>). It has the same payload as this one. Please use it instead.

    Retrieve SMS Enrollment and Verification Templates



    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<void | TemplateMessages>>

  • Customize the messages sent to complete SMS enrollment and verification (subscription required).

    A new endpoint is available to update enrollment and verification templates related to phone factors (<a href='!/Guardian/put_templates'>phone templates</a>). It has the same payload as this one. Please use it instead.

    Update SMS Enrollment and Verification Templates



    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<TemplateMessages>>

  • Sets the MFA policies for the tenant.

    The following policies are supported:

    • all-applications policy - will prompt with MFA for all logins.
    • confidence-score policy - will prompt with MFA only for low confidence logins.
    Pass an empty array to remove all MFA policies. Use of the Adaptive MFA feature requires an add-on for the Enterprise plan. Please contact sales with any questions. For more information about Adaptive MFA, read our full documentation.

    Set the Multi-factor Authentication policies



    • bodyParameters: string[]
    • Optional initOverrides: InitOverride

    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<string[]>>