Interface PasswordGrantRequest



audience?: string

The unique identifier of the target API you want to access.

client_assertion?: string

Specify this to provide your own client assertion JWT rather than the class creating one for you from the clientAssertionSigningKey.

client_assertion_type?: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"

If you provide your own client_assertion you should also provide the client_assertion_type.

client_id?: string

Specify this to override the parent class's clientId

client_secret?: string

Specify this to override the parent class's clientSecret

password: string

Resource Owner's secret.

realm?: string

String value of the realm the user belongs. Set this if you want to add realm support at this grant. For more information on what realms are refer to

scope?: string

String value of the different scopes the application is asking for. Multiple scopes are separated with whitespace.

username: string

Resource Owner's identifier, such as a username or email address.