Interface GetLogsRequest


  • GetLogsRequest


fields?: string

Comma-separated list of fields to include or exclude (based on value provided for include_fields) in the result. Leave empty to retrieve all fields.

from?: string

Log Event Id from which to start selection from.

include_fields?: boolean

Whether specified fields are to be included (true) or excluded (false)

include_totals?: boolean

Return results as an array when false (default). Return results inside an object that also contains a total result count when true.

page?: number

Page index of the results to return. First page is 0.

per_page?: number

Number of results per page. Paging is disabled if parameter not sent. Default: 50. Max value: 100

q?: string
sort?: string

Field to use for sorting appended with :1 for ascending and :-1 for descending. e.g. date:-1

take?: number

Number of entries to retrieve when using the from parameter. Default 50, max 100