Interface PushedAuthorizationRequest



[key: string]: any


audience?: string

The unique identifier of the target API you want to access.

client_assertion?: string

Specify this to provide your own client assertion JWT rather than the class creating one for you from the clientAssertionSigningKey.

client_assertion_type?: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"

If you provide your own client_assertion you should also provide the client_assertion_type.

client_id?: string

Specify this to override the parent class's clientId

client_secret?: string

Specify this to override the parent class's clientSecret

code_challenge?: string

A Base64-encoded SHA-256 hash of the code_verifier used for the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.

connection?: string

Name of the connection.

invitation?: string

The id of an invitation to accept.

nonce?: string

The nonce.

organization?: string

The organization to log the user in to.

redirect_uri: string

URI to redirect to.

response_mode?: string

The response_mode to use.

response_type: string

The response_type the client expects.

scope?: string

Scopes to request. Multiple scopes must be separated by a space character.

state?: string

State value to be passed back on successful authorization.