Interface GetActions200ResponseActionsInner


  • GetActions200ResponseActionsInner


all_changes_deployed: boolean

True if all of an Action's contents have been deployed.

built_at: string

The time when this action was built successfully.

code: string

The source code of the action.

created_at: string

The time when this action was created.

The list of third party npm modules, and their versions, that this action depends on.

deployed_version: {
    [key: string]: any;

The version of the action that is currently deployed.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
id: string

The unique ID of the action.

installed_integration_id: string

installed_integration_id is the fk reference to the InstalledIntegration entity.

name: string

The name of an action.

runtime: string

The Node runtime. For example: node12, defaults to node12

The list of secrets that are included in an action or a version of an action.

The build status of this action.

The list of triggers that this action supports. At this time, an action can only target a single trigger at a time.

updated_at: string

The time when this action was updated.