Class ConnectionsManager


  • BaseAPI
    • ConnectionsManager



configuration: Configuration


  • Retrieves every connection matching the specified strategy. All connections are retrieved if no strategy is being specified. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the resulting list of connection objects. This endpoint supports two types of pagination:

    • Offset pagination
    • Checkpoint pagination

    Checkpoint pagination should be used if you need to retrieve more than 1000 connections.

    Checkpoint Pagination

    To search by checkpoint, use the following parameters:

    • from: Optional id from which to start selection.
    • take: The total amount of entries to retrieve when using the from parameter. Defaults to 50.

    The first time you call this endpoint using Checkpoint Pagination, you should omit the from parameter. If there are more results, a next value will be included in the response. You can use this for subsequent API calls. When next is no longer included in the response, this indicates there are no more pages remaining.

    Note: The include_totals parameter is not supported when using checkpoint pagination. Get all connections



    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<GetConnections200ResponseOneOf>>

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<Connection[]>>