Interface ClientAddonsSapApi

SAP API addon configuration.


  • ClientAddonsSapApi


[key: string]: any | any


clientid: string

If activated in the OAuth 2.0 client configuration (transaction SOAUTH2) the SAML attribute client_id must be set and equal the client_id form parameter of the access token request.

nameIdentifierFormat: string

NameID element of the Subject which can be used to express the user's identity. Defaults to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified.

scope: string

Requested scope for SAP APIs.

servicePassword: string

Service account password to use to authenticate API calls to the token endpoint.

tokenEndpointUrl: string

Your SAP OData server OAuth2 token endpoint URL.

usernameAttribute: string

Name of the property in the user object that maps to a SAP username. e.g. email.