Interface TenantSettings


  • TenantSettings


allow_organization_name_in_authentication_api: boolean

Whether to accept an organization name instead of an ID on auth endpoints

allowed_logout_urls: string[]

URLs that are valid to redirect to after logout from Auth0.

change_password: null | TenantSettingsChangePassword
customize_mfa_in_postlogin_action: boolean

Whether to enable flexible factors for MFA in the PostLogin action

default_audience: string

Default audience for API authorization.

default_directory: string

Name of connection used for password grants at the /tokenendpoint. The following connection types are supported: LDAP, AD, Database Connections, Passwordless, Windows Azure Active Directory, ADFS.

default_redirection_uri: string

The default absolute redirection uri, must be https

device_flow: null | TenantSettingsDeviceFlow

Supported locales for the user interface.

error_page: null | TenantSettingsErrorPage
friendly_name: string

Friendly name for this tenant.

guardian_mfa_page: null | TenantSettingsGuardianMfaPage
idle_session_lifetime: number

Number of hours for which a session can be inactive before the user must log in again.

picture_url: string

URL of logo to be shown for this tenant (recommended size: 150x150)

sandbox_version: string

Selected sandbox version for the extensibility environment.

sandbox_versions_available: string[]

Available sandbox versions for the extensibility environment.

session_cookie: null | TenantSettingsSessionCookie
session_lifetime: number

Number of hours a session will stay valid.

sessions: null | TenantSettingsSessions
support_email: string

End-user support email address.

support_url: string

End-user support URL.