Interface SignUpResponse


  • SignUpResponse


email: string

Email address of the new user.

email_verified: boolean

Indicates whether the email has been verified or not.

family_name?: string

The user's family name(s).

given_name?: string

The user's given name(s).

id: string

The server can return _id, id or user_id depending on various factors. For convenience we expose it here as just id.

name?: string

The user's full name.

nickname?: string

The user's nickname.

picture?: string

A URI pointing to the user's picture.

user_metadata?: {
    [key: string]: unknown;

The user metadata to be associated with the user. If set, the field must be an object containing no more than ten properties. Property names can have a maximum of 100 characters, and property values must be strings of no more than 500 characters.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: unknown
username?: string

Username of this user.