Interface GetActions200ResponseActionsInnerIntegration

Integration defines a self contained functioning unit which partners publish. A partner may create one or many of these integrations.


  • GetActions200ResponseActionsInnerIntegration


catalog_id: string

catalog_id refers to the ID in the marketplace catalog

created_at: string
description: string

description adds more text for the integration name -- also relevant for the marketplace listing.

feature_type is the type of the integration.

id: string

id is a system generated GUID. This same ID is designed to be federated in all the applicable localities.

logo: string
name: string

name is the integration name, which will be used for display purposes in the marketplace.

To start we're going to make sure the display name is at least 3 characters. Can adjust this easily later.

partner_id: string

partner_id is the foreign key reference to the partner account this integration belongs to.

privacy_policy_url: string
public_support_link: string
short_description: string

short_description is the brief description of the integration, which is used for display purposes in cards

terms_of_use_url: string
updated_at: string
url_slug: string

url_slug refers to the url_slug in the marketplace catalog