Interface ConnectionUpdateOptions

The connection's options (depend on the connection strategy)


  • ConnectionUpdateOptions


[key: string]: any | any


api_enable_users?: boolean
authentication_methods?: null | ConnectionCreateOptionsAuthenticationMethods
basic_profile?: boolean
disable_self_service_change_password?: boolean
enable_script_context?: boolean
enabledDatabaseCustomization?: boolean

Set to true to use a legacy user store

ext_admin?: boolean
ext_agreed_terms?: boolean
ext_assigned_plans?: boolean
ext_groups?: boolean
ext_is_suspended?: boolean
ext_profile?: boolean
gateway_authentication?: null | ConnectionCreateOptionsGatewayAuthentication
import_mode?: boolean

Enable this if you have a legacy user store and you want to gradually migrate those users to the Auth0 user store

non_persistent_attrs?: string[]

An array of user fields that should not be stored in the Auth0 database (

passkey_options?: null | ConnectionCreateOptionsPasskeyOptions

Password strength level

password_complexity_options?: null | ConnectionCreateOptionsPasswordComplexityOptions
password_dictionary?: null | ConnectionCreateOptionsPasswordDictionary
password_history?: null | ConnectionCreateOptionsPasswordHistory
password_no_personal_info?: null | ConnectionCreateOptionsPasswordNoPersonalInfo

Determines whether the 'name', 'given_name', 'family_name', 'nickname', and 'picture' attributes can be independently updated when using an external IdP. Possible values are 'on_each_login' (default value, it configures the connection to automatically update the root attributes from the external IdP with each user login. When this setting is used, root attributes cannot be independently updated), 'on_first_login' (configures the connection to only set the root attributes on first login, allowing them to be independently updated thereafter)

upstream_params?: null | {
    [key: string]: any;

Options for adding parameters in the request to the upstream IdP