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auth0 protection brute-force-protection update

Update the brute force protection settings.


auth0 protection brute-force-protection update [flags]


  auth0 protection brute-force-protection update
  auth0 ap bfp update --enabled=true
  auth0 ap bfp update --enabled=true --allowlist ","
  auth0 ap bfp update --enabled=false --allowlist "," --max-attempts 3
  auth0 ap bfp update --enabled=true --allowlist "," --max-attempts 3 --mode count_per_identifier_and_ip
  auth0 ap bfp update --enabled=false --allowlist "," --max-attempts 3 --mode count_per_identifier_and_ip --shields user_notification 
  auth0 ap bfp update -e=true -l "," -a 3 -m count_per_identifier_and_ip -s user_notification --json


  -l, --allowlist strings   List of trusted IP addresses that will not have attack protection enforced against them. Comma-separated.
  -e, --enabled             Enable (or disable) brute force protection.
      --json                Output in json format.
  -a, --max-attempts int    Maximum number of unsuccessful attempts. (default 1)
  -m, --mode string         Account Lockout: Determines whether or not IP address is used when counting failed attempts. Possible values: count_per_identifier_and_ip, count_per_identifier.
  -s, --shields strings     Action to take when a brute force protection threshold is violated. Possible values: block, user_notification. Comma-separated.

Inherited Flags

      --debug           Enable debug mode.
      --no-color        Disable colors.
      --no-input        Disable interactivity.
      --tenant string   Specific tenant to use.