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auth0 protection breached-password-detection update

Update the breached password detection settings.


auth0 protection breached-password-detection update [flags]


  auth0 protection breached-password-detection update
  auth0 ap bpd update --enabled=true
  auth0 ap bpd update --enabled=true --admin-notification-frequency weekly
  auth0 ap bpd update --enabled=false --admin-notification-frequency weekly --method enhanced
  auth0 ap bpd update --enabled=true --admin-notification-frequency weekly --method enhanced --shields admin_notification
  auth0 ap bpd update -e=true -f weekly -m enhanced -s admin_notification --json


  -f, --admin-notification-frequency strings   When "admin_notification" is enabled, determines how often email notifications are sent. Possible values: immediately, daily, weekly, monthly. Comma-separated.
  -e, --enabled                                Enable (or disable) breached password detection.
      --json                                   Output in json format.
  -m, --method string                          The subscription level for breached password detection methods. Use "enhanced" to enable Credential Guard. Possible values: standard, enhanced.
  -s, --shields strings                        Action to take when a breached password is detected. Possible values: block, user_notification, admin_notification. Comma-separated.

Inherited Flags

      --debug           Enable debug mode.
      --no-color        Disable colors.
      --no-input        Disable interactivity.
      --tenant string   Specific tenant to use.