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auth0 domains update

Update a custom domain.

To update interactively, use auth0 domains update with no arguments.

To update non-interactively, supply the domain name, type, policy and other information through the flags.


auth0 domains update [flags]


  auth0 domains update
  auth0 domains update <domain-id> --policy compatible
  auth0 domains update <domain-id> --policy compatible --ip-header "cf-connecting-ip"
  auth0 domains update <domain-id> -p compatible -i "cf-connecting-ip" --json


  -i, --ip-header string   The HTTP header to fetch the client's IP address.
      --json               Output in json format.
  -p, --policy string      The TLS version policy. Can be either 'compatible' or 'recommended'.

Inherited Flags

      --debug           Enable debug mode.
      --no-color        Disable colors.
      --no-input        Disable interactivity.
      --tenant string   Specific tenant to use.