Build, manage and test your Auth0 integrations from the command line.
Install via Homebrew:
brew tap auth0/auth0-cli && brew install auth0
Install via Scoop:
scoop bucket add auth0 && scoop install auth0
Install via Powershell
#fetch latest release information
$apiUrl = ""
$latestRelease = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl
$latestVersion = $latestRelease.tag_name
$version = $latestVersion -replace "^v"
# Download the binary to the current folder
Invoke-WebRequest "${latestVersion}/auth0-cli_${version}" -OutFile ".\"
Expand-Archive ".\" .\
# To be able to run the binary from any directory, make sure you add it to your '$PATH'
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $Env:PATH + ";${pwd}")
Install via cURL:
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b .
Install via Go:
go install
- Download the appropriate binary for your environment from the latest release
- Extract the archive
- Run
Autocompletion instructions for supported platforms available by running auth0 completion -h
Authenticating to Your Tenant
Authenticating to your Auth0 tenant is required for most functions of the CLI. It can be initiated by running:
auth0 login
There are two ways to authenticate:
- As a user - Recommended when invoking on a personal machine or other interactive environment. Facilitated by device authorization flow.
- As a machine - Recommended when running on a server or non-interactive environments (ex: CI). Facilitated by client credentials flow. Flags available for bypassing interactive shell.
Authenticating as a user is not supported for private cloud tenants. Instead, those users should authenticate with client credentials.
Available Commands
- auth0 actions - Manage resources for actions
- auth0 api - Makes an authenticated HTTP request to the Auth0 Management API
- auth0 apis - Manage resources for APIs
- auth0 apps - Manage resources for applications
- auth0 completion - Setup autocomplete features for this CLI on your terminal
- auth0 domains - Manage custom domains
- auth0 email - Manage email settings
- auth0 events - Manage Event Stream
- auth0 login - Authenticate the Auth0 CLI
- auth0 logout - Log out of a tenant’s session
- auth0 logs - View tenant logs
- auth0 orgs - Manage resources for organizations
- auth0 protection - Manage resources for attack protection
- auth0 quickstarts - Quickstart support for getting bootstrapped
- auth0 roles - Manage resources for roles
- auth0 rules - Manage resources for rules
- auth0 tenants - Manage configured tenants
- auth0 terraform - Manage terraform configuration for your Auth0 Tenant
- auth0 test - Try your Universal Login box or get a token
- auth0 universal-login - Manage the Universal Login experience
- auth0 users - Manage resources for users