Interface PatchEmailTemplatesByTemplateNameRequest


  • PatchEmailTemplatesByTemplateNameRequest


body?: null | string

Body of the email template.

enabled?: null | boolean

Whether the template is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

from?: null | string

Senders from email address.

includeEmailInRedirect?: boolean

Whether the reset_email and verify_email templates should include the user's email address as the email parameter in the returnUrl (true) or whether no email address should be included in the redirect (false). Defaults to true.

resultUrl?: null | string

URL to redirect the user to after a successful action.

subject?: null | string

Subject line of the email.

syntax?: null | string

Syntax of the template body.

Template name. Can be verify_email, verify_email_by_code, reset_email, reset_email_by_code, welcome_email, blocked_account, stolen_credentials, enrollment_email, mfa_oob_code, user_invitation, change_password (legacy), or password_reset (legacy).

urlLifetimeInSeconds?: null | number

Lifetime in seconds that the link within the email will be valid for.