Interface GetInvitations200ResponseOneOfInner


  • GetInvitations200ResponseOneOfInner


client_id: string

Auth0 client ID. Used to resolve the application's login initiation endpoint.

connection_id: string

The id of the connection to force invitee to authenticate with.

created_at: string

The ISO 8601 formatted timestamp representing the creation time of the invitation.

expires_at: string

The ISO 8601 formatted timestamp representing the expiration time of the invitation.

id: string

The id of the user invitation.

invitation_url: string

The invitation url to be send to the invitee.

organization_id: string

Organization identifier

roles: string[]

List of roles IDs to associated with the user.

ticket_id: string

The id of the invitation ticket

user_metadata: {
    [key: string]: any;

Data related to the user that does not affect the application's core functionality.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any