Interface GetDeviceCredentialsRequest


  • GetDeviceCredentialsRequest


client_id?: string

client_id of the devices to retrieve.

fields?: string

Comma-separated list of fields to include or exclude (based on value provided for include_fields) in the result. Leave empty to retrieve all fields.

include_fields?: boolean

Whether specified fields are to be included (true) or excluded (false).

include_totals?: boolean

Return results inside an object that contains the total result count (true) or as a direct array of results (false, default).

page?: number

Page index of the results to return. First page is 0.

per_page?: number

Number of results per page. There is a maximum of 1000 results allowed from this endpoint.

Type of credentials to retrieve. Must be public_key, refresh_token or rotating_refresh_token. The property will default to refresh_token when paging is requested

user_id?: string

user_id of the devices to retrieve.