Interface ConnectionUpdate


  • ConnectionUpdate


display_name?: string

The connection name used in the new universal login experience. If display_name is not included in the request, the field will be overwritten with the name value.

enabled_clients?: string[]

The identifiers of the clients for which the connection is to be enabled. If the property is not specified, no clients are enabled. If the array is empty, the connection will be disabled for every client.

is_domain_connection?: boolean
metadata?: {
    [key: string]: any;

Metadata associated with the connection in the form of an object with string values (max 255 chars). Maximum of 10 metadata properties allowed.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
options?: null | ConnectionUpdateOptions
realms?: string[]

Defines the realms for which the connection will be used (ie: email domains). If the array is empty or the property is not specified, the connection name will be added as realm.