Interface GetActions200ResponseActionsInnerIntegrationCurrentReleaseRequiredSecretsInner

Param are form input values, primarily utilized when specifying secrets and configuration values for actions.

These are especially important for partner integrations -- but can be exposed to tenant admins as well if they want to parameterize their custom actions.


  • GetActions200ResponseActionsInnerIntegrationCurrentReleaseRequiredSecretsInner


default_value: string

The default value for this parameter.

description: string

The lengthier description for this parameter.

label: string

The short label for this parameter.

name: string

The name of the parameter.

optional: boolean

The temp flag for if this parameter is required (experimental; for Labs use only).

The allowable options for this param.

placeholder: string

Placeholder text for this parameter.

required: boolean

The flag for if this parameter is required.