audienceExpected JWT "aud" (Audience) Claim value(s).
REQUIRED: You can also provide the AUDIENCE
environment variable.
authTrue if a valid Access Token JWT should be required for all routes. Defaults to true.
cacheMaximum time (in milliseconds) between successful HTTP requests to the JWKS and Discovery endpoint. Default is 600000 (10 minutes).
clockClock tolerance (in secs) used when validating the exp
and iat
Defaults to 5 secs.
cooldownDuration in ms for which no more HTTP requests to the JWKS Uri endpoint will be triggered after a previous successful fetch. Default is 30000.
issuerExpected JWT "iss" (Issuer) Claim value.
REQUIRED (if you don't include {@Link AuthOptions.issuerBaseURL})
You can also provide the ISSUER
environment variable.
issuerBase url, used to find the authorization server's app metadata per
You can pass a full url including .well-known
if your discovery lives at
a non standard path.
REQUIRED (if you don't include {@Link AuthOptions.jwksUri} and
{@Link AuthOptions.issuer})
You can also provide the ISSUER_BASE_URL
environment variable.
jwksUrl for the authorization server's JWKS to find the public key to verify
an Access Token JWT signed with an asymmetric algorithm.
REQUIRED (if you don't include {@Link AuthOptions.issuerBaseURL})
You can also provide the JWKS_URI
environment variable.
maxMaximum age (in secs) from when a token was issued to when it can no longer be accepted.
secretSecret to verify an Access Token JWT signed with a symmetric algorithm. By default this SDK validates tokens signed with asymmetric algorithms.
strictIf set to true
the token validation will strictly follow
'JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens'
Defaults to false.
timeoutTimeout in ms for HTTP requests to the JWKS and Discovery endpoint. When reached the request will be aborted. Default is 5000.
tokenYou must provide this if your tokens are signed with symmetric algorithms and it must be one of HS256, HS384 or HS512. You may provide this if your tokens are signed with asymmetric algorithms and, if provided, it must be one of RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, ES256, ES256K, ES384, ES512 or EdDSA (case-sensitive).
validatorsPass in custom validators to override the existing validation behavior on standard claims or add new validation behavior on custom claims.
validators: {
// Disable issuer validation by passing `false`
iss: false,
// Add validation for a custom claim to equal a passed in string
org_id: 'my_org_123'
// Add validation for a custom claim, by passing in a function that
// accepts:
// roles: the value of the claim
// claims: an object containing the JWTPayload
// header: an object representing the JWTHeader
roles: (roles, claims, header) => roles.includes('editor') && claims.isAdmin
An instance of http.Agent or https.Agent to pass to the http.get or https.get method options. Use when behind an http(s) proxy.