Table of Contents



You need to ensure that the JWT Signature Algorithm for your Auth0 Application is set to RS256

Initialize Auth0Client

Create a new instance of @Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0Client, passing the Auth0 Domain and Client ID for your Auth0 Application. Please see the Applications Documentation on the Auth0 website for more information.

using Auth0.OidcClient;

var client = new Auth0Client(new Auth0ClientOptions {
    Domain = "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN",
    ClientId = "YOUR_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID"

Log the user in

Initiate the authentication flow by calling @Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0Client.LoginAsync(System.Object). There are slight nuances to this on some of the platforms, as discussed below.

For Windows Applications (UWP, WPF and Windows Forms)

For Windows applications, you can authenticate a user by calling @Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0Client.LoginAsync(System.Object).

var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync();

For iOS

For iOS applications, the process is similar, but you also need to register the URL Scheme.

  1. Register the URL Scheme as follows:

    • Open your application's Info.plist file in Visual Studio for Mac, and go to the Advanced tab.
    • Under URL Types, click the Add URL Type button
    • Set the Identifier as Auth0, the URL Schemes the same as your application's Bundle Identifier, and the Role as None

    This is an example of the XML representation of your info.plist file after you have added the URL Type:

  2. After a user has logged in, Auth0 will redirect to the callback URL in your application. You need to handle the incoming link to your AppDelegate and resume the login flow of the Auth0 OIDC Client by calling the Send method of the ActivityMediator singleton, passing along the url sent in. This will allow the Auth0 OIDC Client library to complete the authentication process:

    using Auth0.OidcClient;
    public class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
        public override bool OpenUrl(UIApplication application, NSUrl url, string sourceApplication, NSObject annotation) {
            return true;
  3. Initiate the authentication flow by calling @Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0Client.LoginAsync(System.Object) inside your view controller.

    var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync();

For Android

On Android, you need to handle the Intent which will be activated when Auth0 redirects back to your application after a user has authenticated.

  1. Register an intent which will handle the callback URL.

    [Activity(Label = "AndroidSample", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon",
        LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTask)]
        new[] { Intent.ActionView },
        Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault, Intent.CategoryBrowsable },
        DataScheme = "YOUR_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME",
        DataHost = "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN",
        DataPathPrefix = "/android/YOUR_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME/callback")]
    public class MainActivity : Auth0ClientActivity
        // Code omitted

    Replace YOUR_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME in the code sample above with the actual Package Name for your application, such as com.mycompany.myapplication. Also, ensure that all the text for the DataScheme, DataHost, and DataPathPrefix is in lower case. Also, set LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTask for the Activity, otherwise the system will create a new instance of the activity every time the Callback URL gets called.

  2. Initiate the authentication flow by calling @Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0Client.LoginAsync(System.Object) inside your Activity. Below is the full sample code for a basic implementation of an Android Activity using the Auth0 OIDC Client:

    [Activity(Label = "AndroidSample", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon",
        LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTask)]
        new[] { Intent.ActionView },
        Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault, Intent.CategoryBrowsable },
        DataScheme = "YOUR_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME",
        DataHost = "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN",
        DataPathPrefix = "/android/YOUR_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME/callback")]
    public class MainActivity : Auth0ClientActivity
        private Auth0Client _client;
        private Button _loginButton;
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) {
            _loginButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.LoginButton);
            _client = new Auth0Client(new Auth0ClientOptions
                Domain = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.auth0_domain),
                ClientId = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.auth0_client_id)
            }, this);
            _loginButton.Click += LoginButtonOnClick;
        private async void LoginButtonOnClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) {
            var loginResult = await _client.LoginAsync();

The Login Result

The returned login result will indicate whether authentication was successful and if so contain the tokens and claims of the user.

Authentication Error

You can check the IsError property of the result to see whether the login has failed. The ErrorMessage will contain more information regarding the error which occurred.

var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync();

if (loginResult.IsError) {
    Debug.WriteLine($"An error occurred during login: {loginResult.Error}")

Accessing the tokens

On successful login, the login result will contain the id_token and access_token in the IdentityToken and AccessToken properties respectively.

var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync();

if (!loginResult.IsError) {
    Debug.WriteLine($"id_token: {loginResult.IdentityToken}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"access_token: {loginResult.AccessToken}");

Obtaining the User Information

On successful login, the login result will contain the user information in the User property, which is a ClaimsPrincipal.

To obtain information about the user, you can query the claims. You can, for example, obtain the user's name and email address from the name and email claims:

if (!loginResult.IsError) {
    Debug.WriteLine($"name: {loginResult.User.FindFirst(c => c.Type == "name")?.Value}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"email: {loginResult.User.FindFirst(c => c.Type == "email")?.Value}");

The exact claims returned will depend on the scopes requested. For more information see Using Scopes.

You can obtain a list of all the claims contained in the id_token by iterating through the Claims collection:

if (!loginResult.IsError) {
    foreach (var claim in loginResult.User.Claims) {
        Debug.WriteLine($"{claim.Type} = {claim.Value}");


Organizations is a set of features that provide better support for developers who build and maintain SaaS and Business-to-Business (B2B) applications.

Using Organizations, you can:

  • Represent teams, business customers, partner companies, or any logical grouping of users that should have different ways of accessing your applications, as organizations.

  • Manage their membership in a variety of ways, including user invitation.

  • Configure branded, federated login flows for each organization.

  • Implement role-based access control, such that users can have different roles when authenticating in the context of different organizations.

  • Build administration capabilities into your products, using Organizations APIs, so that those businesses can manage their own organizations.

Note that Organizations is currently only available to customers on our Enterprise and Startup subscription plans.

Log in to an organization

Log in to an organization by specifying the organization parameter when calling LoginAsync:

var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync(new { organization = "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID" });

Accept user invitations

Accept a user invitation by specifying the invitation parameter when calling LoginAsync:

var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync(new 
    organization = "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID",
    invitation = "YOUR_INVITATION_ID" 

The invitation parameter can be extracted from the invitation URL users receive in their invitation email.