Interface ScreenMembersOnCustomizedConsent

Interface describing the data available on the Customized Consent screen.

interface ScreenMembersOnCustomizedConsent {
    captcha: null | CaptchaContext;
    captchaImage: null | string;
    captchaProvider: null | string;
    captchaSiteKey: null | string;
    data: null | {
        scopes: Record<string, string[]>;
    isCaptchaAvailable: boolean;
    links: null | Record<string, string>;
    name: string;
    texts: null | Record<string, string>;

Hierarchy (view full)


captcha: null | CaptchaContext
captchaImage: null | string
captchaProvider: null | string
captchaSiteKey: null | string
data: null | {
    scopes: Record<string, string[]>;
isCaptchaAvailable: boolean
links: null | Record<string, string>
name: string
texts: null | Record<string, string>