Namespace Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
- Addons
Addons are extensions associated with an Application in Auth0. Usually, they are 3rd party APIs used by the app that Auth0 generates access tokens for (e.g. Salesforce, Azure Service Bus, Azure Mobile Services, SAP, etc).
- AssignPermissionsRequest
Contains details of permissions that should be assigned to a role.
- AssignRolesRequest
Contains details of roles that should be assigned to a user.
- AssignUsersRequest
Contains details of users that should be assigned to a role.
- BlacklistedToken
Represents a blacklisted token.
- BlacklistedTokenBase
Base class for blacklisted tokens.
- Branding
Represents the Auth0 Tenant's branding settings
- Client
Represents a client (App) in Auth0
- ClientAuthenticationMethods
Structure for a client's authentication methods
- ClientBase
Base class for clients.
- ClientCreateRequest
Requests structure for creating a new client.
- ClientCredentialCreateRequest
Structure for creating a new client credential
- ClientCredentialUpdateRequest
Structure for updating a client credential
- ClientGrant
Represents a Client Grant
- ClientGrantBase
Base class for Client Grants
- ClientGrantCreateRequest
Request structure for creating a new Client Grant
- ClientGrantUpdateRequest
Request structure for updating a new Client Grant
- Connection
Connection object as returned from API calls.
- ConnectionBase
Base class for connections which includes both request and responses.
- ConnectionCreateRequest
Specifies the properies for creating a new connection.
- ConnectionUpdateRequest
Specifies the properties for updating an existing connection.
- CreateClientAuthenticationMethods
Structure for creating new client authentication methods
- CreatePrivateKeyJwt
Structure for creating a new client credential using Private Key JWT
- CreateSelfSignedTlsClientAuth
Structure for creating a new client credential using Self Signed TLS Client Auth.
- CreateSelfSignedTlsClientAuthCredentials
Structure for creating a new client credential using Self Signed TLS Client Auth.
- CreateSignedRequestObject
Structure for creating a new SignedRequestObject
- CreateTlsClientAuth
Structure for creating a new client credential using TLS Client Auth.
- CreateTlsClientAuthCredentials
Structure for creating a new client credential using TLS Client Auth.
- CredentialId
Structure for a client's credential.
- Credentials
Credentials for the JAR requests
- CredentialsCreateRequest
Structure for creating a new Credential for JAR request
- CustomDomain
Represents a Custom Domain
- CustomDomainBase
Base class for custom domain responses.
- CustomDomainCreateRequest
Represents a request to create a new custom domain.
- CustomDomainVerification
The custom domain verification methods.
- CustomDomainVerificationMethod
The custom domain verification method.
- CustomDomainVerificationResponse
Response when requesting a custom domain verification
- DailyStatistics
The number of signups and logins for a specific day.
- DefaultOrganization
Defines the default Organization ID and flows
- DeviceCredential
Represents device credentials returned from the API.
- DeviceCredentialBase
Base class for device credentials.
- DeviceCredentialCreateRequest
Represents a request to create device credentials.
- EmailProvider
Represents configuration for the email provider.
- EmailProviderBase
Base class for email provider.
- EmailProviderCredentials
Credentials for an email provider.
- EmailTemplate
Response returned from email template requests
- EmailTemplateBase
Base class for email templates
- EmailTemplateCreateRequest
Request for creating an email template
- EmailTemplatePatchRequest
Request for patching an email template
- EmailTemplateUpdateRequest
Request for updating an email template
- EmailVerificationIdentity
Represents the identity object that can be sent on requests to create an email verification ticket or job.
- EnrollmentsResponse
Represents a Guardian Enrollment.
- GenerateRecoveryCodeResponse
Represents a Generate Recovery Code response.
- GetClientGrantsRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all client grants.
- GetClientsRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all clients.
- GetConnectionsRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all connections.
- GetDeviceCredentialsRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all device credentials.
- GetLogsRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all logs.
- GetRolesRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all roles.
- GetRulesRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all rules.
- GetUserLogsRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying logs for a user.
- GetUsersRequest
Specifies criteria to use when querying all users.
- Hook
Represents a hook. A hook is arbitrary JavaScript code that can be used to extend Auth0's default behavior when executed in selected extension points.
- HookBase
Base class for hooks.
- Job
Represents a background job.
- JobSummary
Represents the results summary of a job.
- LogEntry
Information about a log entry
- LogStream
Information about a log stream
- LogStreamCreateRequest
A request for creating log streams
- LogStreamUpdateRequest
Information required to update a log stream
- Mobile
Represents configuration of mobile apps for a client.
- Mobile.MobileAndroid
Represents Android configuration for a client.
- Mobile.MobileIos
Represents iOS configuration for a client.
- OrganizationConnectionInfo
Information on the enabled connection for an Organization
- OrganizationCreateInvitationRequest
Requests structure for creating a new organization invitation.
- OrganizationCreateRequest
Requests structure for creating a new organization.
- OrganizationUpdateRequest
Requests structure for updating an organization.
- Permission
Represents a permission.
- PermissionIdentity
Represents the properties of a permission that give it its unique identity.
- PermissionSource
Represents the source of a permission assignment
- PrivateKeyJwt
Defines private_key_jwt client authentication method. If this property is defined, the client is enabled to use the Private Key JWT authentication method.
- ProofOfPossession
Proof-of-Possession configuration for access tokens
- RefreshToken
Represents configuration of refresh tokens for a client.
- ResourceServer
Represents a resource server
- ResourceServerAuthorizationDetail
The valid authorization_detail definition
- ResourceServerBase
Base class for resource server payloads
- ResourceServerCreateRequest
Request structure for creating a new resource server
- ResourceServerGetRequest
Request structure for creating a new resource server
- ResourceServerScope
Defines a scope for a resource server
- ResourceServerUpdateRequest
Request structure for updating a resource server
- Role
Class for roles.
- RoleBase
Base class for roles.
- Rule
Represents a rule. A rule is arbitrary JavaScript code that can be used to extend Auth0's default behavior when authenticating a user.
- RuleBase
Base class for rules.
- RulesConfig
Represents a rules config variable. A rules-config is a variable defined by its key that carries an encrypted value, accessible only from within the rules.
- RulesConfigCreateOrUpdateRequest
Represents a client request to create or update a rules config variable.
- ScimConfiguration
Represents an SCIM Configuration
- ScimMapping
Represents the mapping between SCIM and Auth0
- ScimTokenBase
Represents an SCIM token for an SCIM client.
- ScimTokenCreateRequest
Represents the client request to Create ScimToken
- SelfSignedTlsClientAuth
Defines self_signed_tls_client_auth client authentication method. If the property is defined, the client is configured to use mTLS authentication method utilizing self-signed certificate.
- SignedRequestObject
JWT-secured Authorization Requests (JAR) settings.
- TenantChangePassword
Change Password page customization.
- TenantDeviceFlow
Tenant Device Flow configuration.
- TenantErrorPage
Tenant error page customization.
- TenantFlags
Tenant flags.
- TenantGuardianMfaPage
Guardian page customization.
- TenantMtls
mTLS configuration.
- TenantSettingsBase
Settings for a given tenant.
- Ticket
Represents a ticket. Tickets can be for either email verification or a password change.
- TlsClientAuth
Defines tls_client_auth client authentication method. If the property is defined, the client is configured to use CA-based mTLS authentication method.
- TokenEncryption
Token Encryption
- TokenEncryptionKey
Encryption Key
- UniversalLoginTemplateUpdateRequest
Request for updating the template for the New Universal Login Experience.
- User
Represents a user as returned from various APIs.
- UserBase
Contains common elements used for both constructing User-related requests, and comprising User-related responses.
- UserBlock
Represents a user block
- UserBlocks
Contains a list of blocks for a user
- UserCreateRequest
Represents the request to create a User.
- UserPermission
User-specific representation of a permission, including its source(s).
- UserUpdateRequest
Represents the request to update a User.
- UsersExportsJobField
Contains details of a field to be included in the users exports job
- UsersExportsJobRequest
Contains details for creating a users exports job.
- VerifyEmailJobRequest
Contains details for sending an email address verification link.
- ClientApplicationType
The type of application for a Client
- ComplianceLevel
Defines the compliance level for this client, which may restrict it's capabilities
- ConsentPolicy
Possible values: [transactional-authorization-with-mfa, null]
- CustomDomainCertificateProvisioning
The custom domain provisioning type.
- CustomDomainStatus
The custom domain configuration status.
- EmailTemplateName
The names of the different email templates which you can manage.
- EnrollmentAuthMethod
Method of authentication for a Guardian Enrollment.
- EnrollmentStatus
Status of a Guardian Enrollment.
- Flows
The default Organization usage
- LogStreamStatus
The possible statuses of the log stream
- LogStreamType
The possible types of log stream
- LogStreamUpdateStatus
The possible statuses to update a log strem with
- Mechanism
Intended mechanism for Proof-of-Possession
- OrganizationRequireBehavior
Defines how to proceed during an authentication transaction when organization usage is required.
- OrganizationUsage
Organization usage for a client
- PermissionSourceType
Types of permission sources
- RefreshTokenExpirationType
The type of expiration for a RefreshToken
- RefreshTokenRotationType
The type of rotation for a RefreshToken
- SigningAlgorithm
Algorithm used to sign JWTs. Can be HS256 or RS256. PS256 available via addon.
- TenantDeviceFlowCharset
The character set for generating a User Code.
- TokenEndpointAuthMethod
Authentication method for the token endpoint
- TokenFormat
Format of the encrypted JWT payload.
- UsersExportsJobFormat
Enum used to define the expected format for the users exports job