Table of Contents

Interface IManagementConnection


Interface for connectivity between ManagementApiClient and the remote server.

public interface IManagementConnection


A default implementation of this using HttpClient is included as HttpClientManagementConnection. You should mock this interface to perform unit testing of code that uses ManagementApiClient.


GetAsync<T>(Uri, IDictionary<string, string>, JsonConverter[], CancellationToken)

Perform a HTTP GET operation against a given Uri and return the materialized response body as T.

Task<T> GetAsync<T>(Uri uri, IDictionary<string, string> headers, JsonConverter[] converters = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


uri Uri

Uri to perform the GET request against.

headers IDictionary<string, string>

Dictionary containing additional headers that may override the defaults.

converters JsonConverter[]

Optional array of Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverters used to deserialize the resulting T.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

The cancellation token to cancel operation.



Task representing the async operation containing response body as T.

Type Parameters


Type of object to deserialize the result content as.

SendAsync<T>(HttpMethod, Uri, object, IDictionary<string, string>, IList<FileUploadParameter>, JsonConverter[], CancellationToken)

Perform a HTTP operation against a given Uri and return any materialized response body as T.

Task<T> SendAsync<T>(HttpMethod method, Uri uri, object body, IDictionary<string, string> headers, IList<FileUploadParameter> files = null, JsonConverter[] converters = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


method HttpMethod

HttpMethod to use in performing the request.

uri Uri

Uri to perform the request against.

body object

Payload to send to the server. If specified as a Dictionary<string, string> then FormUrlEncodedContent is expected, otherwise StringContent containing the JSON representation of the object is expected.

headers IDictionary<string, string>

Dictionary containing additional headers that may override the defaults.

files IList<FileUploadParameter>

Optional IList<T> containing file contents to upload as a MultipartFormDataContent post.

converters JsonConverter[]

Optional array of Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverters used to deserialize the resulting T.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

The cancellation token to cancel operation.



Task representing the async operation containing response body as T.

Type Parameters


Type of object to deserialize the result content as.


files can only be specified if body is a Dictionary%lt;string, object%gt;"/>.