Namespace Auth0.ManagementApi.Clients
- ActionsClient
Contains methods to access the /actions endpoints.
- BaseClient
Base class from which all Client classes inherit.
- BlacklistedTokensClient
Contains methods to access the /blacklists/tokens endpoints.
- BrandingClient
Contains methods to access the /branding endpoints.
- ClientGrantsClient
Contains methods to access the /client-grants endpoints.
- ClientsClient
Contains methods to access the /clients endpoints.
- ConnectionsClient
Contains methods to access the /connections endpoints.
- CustomDomainsClient
Contains methods to access the /custom-domains endpoints.
- DeviceCredentialsClient
Contains methods to access the /device-credentials endpoints.
- EmailProviderClient
Contains methods to access the /emails/provider endpoints.
- EmailTemplatesClient
Contains methods to access the /email-templates endpoints.
- GuardianClient
Contains methods to access the /guardian endpoints.
- HooksClient
Contains methods to access the /hooks endpoints.
- JobsClient
Contains methods to access the /jobs endpoints.
- KeysClient
Contains methods to access the /keys endpoints.
- LogStreamsClient
Contains methods to access the /log-streams endpoint
- LogsClient
Contains methods to access the /logs endpoints.
- PromptsClient
Contains methods to access the /prompts endpoints.
- ResourceServersClient
Contains methods to access the /resource-server endpoints.
- RolesClient
Contains methods to access the /roles endpoints.
- RulesClient
Contains methods to access the /rules endpoints.
- RulesConfigClient
Contains methods to access the /rules-configs endpoint
- SelfServiceProfilesClient
Client to manage Self Service Profiles.
- StatsClient
Contains methods to access the /stats endpoints.
- TenantSettingsClient
Contains methods to access the /tenants/settings endpoints.
- TicketsClient
Contains methods to access the /tickets endpoints.
- UserBlocksClient
Contains methods to access the /user-blocks endpoints.
- UsersClient
Contains methods to access the /users endpoints.