Interface Auth0ContextInterface<TUser>

Contains the authenticated state and authentication methods provided by the useAuth0 hook.

interface Auth0ContextInterface<TUser> {
    error?: Error;
    getAccessTokenSilently: {
        (options): Promise<GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>;
        (options?): Promise<string>;
        (options): Promise<string | GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>;
    getAccessTokenWithPopup: ((options?, config?) => Promise<undefined | string>);
    getIdTokenClaims: (() => Promise<undefined | IdToken>);
    handleRedirectCallback: ((url?) => Promise<RedirectLoginResult<any>>);
    isAuthenticated: boolean;
    isLoading: boolean;
    loginWithPopup: ((options?, config?) => Promise<void>);
    loginWithRedirect: ((options?) => Promise<void>);
    logout: ((options?) => Promise<void>);
    user?: TUser;

Type Parameters


  • AuthState<TUser>
    • Auth0ContextInterface


error?: Error
getAccessTokenSilently: {
    (options): Promise<GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>;
    (options?): Promise<string>;
    (options): Promise<string | GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>;
const token = await getAccessTokenSilently(options);

If there's a valid token stored, return it. Otherwise, opens an iframe with the /authorize URL using the parameters provided as arguments. Random and secure state and nonce parameters will be auto-generated. If the response is successful, results will be valid according to their expiration times.

If refresh tokens are used, the token endpoint is called directly with the 'refresh_token' grant. If no refresh token is available to make this call, the SDK will only fall back to using an iframe to the '/authorize' URL if the useRefreshTokensFallback setting has been set to true. By default this setting is false.

This method may use a web worker to perform the token call if the in-memory cache is used.

If an audience value is given to this function, the SDK always falls back to using an iframe to make the token exchange.

Note that in all cases, falling back to an iframe requires access to the auth0 cookie.

Type declaration

    • (options): Promise<GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>

    • (options?): Promise<string>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<string>

    • (options): Promise<string | GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<string | GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse>

getAccessTokenWithPopup: ((options?, config?) => Promise<undefined | string>)
const token = await getTokenWithPopup(options, config);

Get an access token interactively.

Opens a popup with the /authorize URL using the parameters provided as arguments. Random and secure state and nonce parameters will be auto-generated. If the response is successful, results will be valid according to their expiration times.

Type declaration

getIdTokenClaims: (() => Promise<undefined | IdToken>)
const claims = await getIdTokenClaims();

Returns all claims from the id_token if available.

Type declaration

handleRedirectCallback: ((url?) => Promise<RedirectLoginResult<any>>)

After the browser redirects back to the callback page, call handleRedirectCallback to handle success and error responses from Auth0. If the response is successful, results will be valid according to their expiration times.

Type declaration

    • (url?): Promise<RedirectLoginResult<any>>
    • Parameters

      • Optional url: string

        The URL to that should be used to retrieve the state and code values. Defaults to window.location.href if not given.

      Returns Promise<RedirectLoginResult<any>>

isAuthenticated: boolean
isLoading: boolean
loginWithPopup: ((options?, config?) => Promise<void>)
await loginWithPopup(options, config);

Opens a popup with the /authorize URL using the parameters provided as arguments. Random and secure state and nonce parameters will be auto-generated. If the response is successful, results will be valid according to their expiration times.

IMPORTANT: This method has to be called from an event handler that was started by the user like a button click, for example, otherwise the popup will be blocked in most browsers.

Type declaration

loginWithRedirect: ((options?) => Promise<void>)
await loginWithRedirect(options);

Performs a redirect to /authorize using the parameters provided as arguments. Random and secure state and nonce parameters will be auto-generated.

Type declaration

logout: ((options?) => Promise<void>)
auth0.logout({ logoutParams: { returnTo: window.location.origin } });

Clears the application session and performs a redirect to /v2/logout, using the parameters provided as arguments, to clear the Auth0 session. If the logoutParams.federated option is specified, it also clears the Identity Provider session. Read more about how Logout works at Auth0.

Type declaration

    • (options?): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<void>

user?: TUser