Migration Guide

Migrating from v3 to v4

Version 4 of both the Authentication API SDK as well as the Management API SDK include breaking changes. This document will discuss the reason for these changes, as well as instructions on how to migrate to the new version.

OIDC Conformance

The main reason for the breaking changes is related to improved OIDC compliance which was added to the Authentication API. Because of this, the behaviour of some of the existing Authentication API endpoints have changed, and other endpoints are being deprecated.

For a full background and other details please refer to the official OIDC-conformant authentication migration guide.

Better separation of the Authentication and Management API

Because of the changes to the Authentication pipeline for OIDC conformance, some breaking changes were introduced and we are therefore required to increase the version number of the Authentication API SDK. One problem however was that some classes were shared in between the Authentication API SDK and the Management API SDK, in particular the information returned from the /userinfo endpoint.

In the new OIDC conformant pipeline this is not the case anymore, as the endpoint return claims which conform to the OIDC standard.

Because of this single instance of shared data between the Authentication and Management API SDKs, a lot of the Models returned by the various methods has been stored in the Auth0.Core NuGet package. With version 4 this is not the case anymore.

All model classes are now stored in the NuGet package which they relate to. So all Authentication API SDK model classes are stored in the Auth0.AuthenticationAPI NuGet package. Likewise, all Management API SDK model classes are stored in the Auth0.ManagementAPI NuGet package.

The Auth0.Core NuGet package only contains some shared classes used for communicating with the actual APIs, Exception classes etc.

The separation allows us to evolve these 2 packages in the future more easily in a separate directions.

Difference between Version 3 and Version 4

Version 3 of the Auth0.NET SDK can still be used for applications which do not use the OIDC-conformant pipeline. For these applications you must install the following NuGet packages:

Version 4 of the Auth0.NET SDK must be used for applications which use the OIDC-conformant pipeline. For these applications you must install the following NuGet packages:

List of changes

Here follows the list of changes made from Version 3 to Version 4 of the Auth0.NET SDK, with guidance on how to change your applications.

Authentication API

  • Removed all members previously marked as obsolete. This relates mostly to the methods which did not conform to the *Async naming convention for .NET async methods.

  • Deprecated the AuthenticateAsync() method as the legacy oauth/ro endpoint has been disabled. You should use GetTokenAsync(ResourceOwnerTokenRequest) instead. AuthenticateAsync() has been changed to simply call the new GetTokenAsync(ResourceOwnerTokenRequest) method. Note that confidential clients will need to provide a ClientSecret in addition to the ClientId. For more information see the Resource Owner Password grant type.

  • Changed the response of AuthenticateAsync() to now return an AccessTokenResponse instead of AuthorizationResponse.

  • Renamed the Connection property in AuthenticationRequest class to Realm. It is also now optional. If the Connection is not provided in the Realm property, the Authentication API will use the connection specified as the Default Directory in the Account Settings. As noted above however, you should use GetTokenAsync(ResourceOwnerTokenRequest) instead.

  • Deprecated the GetDelegationTokenAsync(RefreshTokenDelegationRequest) method. The token refresh exchange must be done using the GetTokenAsync(RefreshTokenRequest) method.

  • Renamed the AccessToken class returned by authentication and token methods to AccessTokenResponse.

  • Changed the response of the GetUserInfoAsync() method to return a UserInfo class instead of User. This is in order to conform to the OIDC Specification.

  • Removed the GetTokenInfoAsync() method, based on the deprecated /tokeninfo endpoint.

  • Removed the GetAccessTokenAsync method, based on the deprecated /oauth/access_token endpoint.

  • Removed the WithDevice() method from AuthorizationUrlBuilder, because of obsoleted device parameter.

  • Added support for adding nonce, audience, response_mode and multiple response_type parameters to the /authorize URL when using the AuthorizationUrlBuilder class. This was done by adding the WithNonce(), WithAudience(), WithResponseMode() and WithResponseType() methods.

  • Changed LogoutUrlBuilder to now use the v2/logout endpoint.

  • Added support for adding federated and clientId parameters to the v2/logout endpoint when using the LogoutUrlBuilder class. This was done by adding the Federated() and WithClientId() methods.

  • Removed the unused OAuthToken class.

  • Moved all model classes from the Auth0.Core NuGet package to the Auth0.AuthenticationApi NuGet package. For more information see the list of Core Classes which has been affected below.

Management API

  • Moved all model classes from the Auth0.Core NuGet package to the Auth0.ManagementApi NuGet package. For more information see the list of Core Classes which has been affected below.

Core Classes

The following types have been moved from the Auth0.Core NuGet package. Below you can see the list of classes with their old and new namespaces. Please update your code accordingly.

Class Old Namespace New Namespace
Addons Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
BlacklistedTokenBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Client Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ClientApplicationType Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ClientBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ClientGrant Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ClientGrantBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Connection Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ConnectionBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
DailyStatistics Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
DeviceCredential Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
DeviceCredentialBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
EmailProvider Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
EmailProviderBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
EmailProviderCredentials Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
EncryptionKey Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Identity Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Job Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
JwtConfiguration Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
LogEntry Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Mobile Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ResourceServer Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ResourceServerBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
ResourceServerScope Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Rule Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
RuleBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
LoginRequest Auth0.Core.Rules Auth0.ManagementApi.Models.Rules
LoginRequestGeography Auth0.Core.Rules Auth0.ManagementApi.Models.Rules
LoginRequestQuery Auth0.Core.Rules Auth0.ManagementApi.Models.Rules
RulesContext Auth0.Core.Rules Auth0.ManagementApi.Models.Rules
RulesContextSsoConfiguration Auth0.Core.Rules Auth0.ManagementApi.Models.Rules
RulesContextStats Auth0.Core.Rules Auth0.ManagementApi.Models.Rules
RulesRequest Auth0.Core.Rules Auth0.ManagementApi.Models.Rules
ScopeEntry Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Scopes Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
SigningAlgorithm Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
SigningKey Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
TenantErrorPage Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
TenantSettings Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
TenantSettingsBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
Ticket Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
TokenEndpointAuthMethod Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
User Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
UserBase Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
UserBlock Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models
UserBlocks Auth0.Core Auth0.ManagementApi.Models