Namespace Auth0.AuthenticationApi.Models
- AccessTokenResponse
Represents an access token response.
- AuthorizationCodePkceTokenRequest
Represents a request to exchange an authorization code (PKCE) for an access token during the OAuth authentication flow.
- AuthorizationCodeRequestBase
Base class for all types of Authorization Code requests.
- AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest
Represents a request to exchange an authorization code for an access token during the OAuth authentication flow.
- ChangePasswordRequest
Represents a request to change a password via an email.
- ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
Represents a request get a token using the Client Credentials Grant flow.
- DeviceCodeRequest
Represents a request to start a Device Authorization flow.
- DeviceCodeResponse
Represents the response from a Device Authorization request.
- DeviceCodeTokenRequest
Represents a request to exchange a Device Code for an access token during the OAuth authentication flow.
- ImpersonationRequest
Represents a request to obtain a one-time link for impersonating a user.
- PasswordlessEmailRequest
Represents a request to start a Passwordless email flow.
- PasswordlessEmailResponse
Represents a Passwordless email response.
- PasswordlessEmailTokenRequest
Represents a request to exchange a one time password, received through email, for an access token using the Passwordless flow.
- PasswordlessSmsRequest
Represents a Passwordless SMS flow request.
- PasswordlessSmsResponse
Represents the response from a Passwordless SMS request.
- PasswordlessSmsTokenRequest
Represents a request to exchange a one time password, received through SMS, for an access token using the Passwordless flow.
- PasswordlessTokenRequestBase
Base class for all types of Passwordless requests.
- PushedAuthorizationRequestResponse
Represents a Pushed Authorization Request response.
- RefreshTokenRequest
Represents a request to get new tokens based on a previously obtained refresh token.
- ResourceOwnerTokenRequest
Represents a request get a token using the Resource Owner Grant flow.
- RevokeRefreshTokenRequest
Represents a request to get new tokens based on a previously obtained refresh token.
- SignupUserRequest
Represents a request to sign up a new user.
- SignupUserResponse
Represents the response from signing up a new user.
- TokenBase
Base class for all authentication tokens.
- UserInfo
Represents user information returned from a standard OpenID Connect
- UserInfoAddress
Represents a physical mailing address of an user.
- UserMaintenanceRequestBase
Base class for user maintenance requests.
- AuthorizationResponseMode
Represents an authentication response mode.
- AuthorizationResponseType
Represents an authentication reponse type.
- PasswordlessEmailRequestType
Type of passwordless email request.