from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .actions import Actions
from .attack_protection import AttackProtection
from .blacklists import Blacklists
from .branding import Branding
from .client_credentials import ClientCredentials
from .client_grants import ClientGrants
from .clients import Clients
from .connections import Connections
from .custom_domains import CustomDomains
from .device_credentials import DeviceCredentials
from .email_templates import EmailTemplates
from .emails import Emails
from .grants import Grants
from .guardian import Guardian
from .hooks import Hooks
from .jobs import Jobs
from .log_streams import LogStreams
from .logs import Logs
from .organizations import Organizations
from .prompts import Prompts
from .resource_servers import ResourceServers
from .roles import Roles
from .rules import Rules
from .rules_configs import RulesConfigs
from .stats import Stats
from .tenants import Tenants
from .tickets import Tickets
from .user_blocks import UserBlocks
from .users import Users
from .users_by_email import UsersByEmail
from import RestClientOptions
[docs]class Auth0:
"""Provides easy access to all endpoint classes
domain (str): Your Auth0 domain, e.g: ''
token (str): Management API v2 Token
rest_options (RestClientOptions): Pass an instance of
RestClientOptions to configure additional RestClient
options, such as rate-limit retries.
(defaults to None)
def __init__(
self, domain: str, token: str, rest_options: RestClientOptions | None = None
self.actions = Actions(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.attack_protection = AttackProtection(
domain, token, rest_options=rest_options
self.blacklists = Blacklists(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.branding = Branding(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.client_credentials = ClientCredentials(
domain, token, rest_options=rest_options
self.client_grants = ClientGrants(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.clients = Clients(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.connections = Connections(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.custom_domains = CustomDomains(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.device_credentials = DeviceCredentials(
domain, token, rest_options=rest_options
self.email_templates = EmailTemplates(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.emails = Emails(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.grants = Grants(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options) = Guardian(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.hooks = Hooks(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options) = Jobs(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.log_streams = LogStreams(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.logs = Logs(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.organizations = Organizations(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.prompts = Prompts(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.resource_servers = ResourceServers(
domain, token, rest_options=rest_options
self.roles = Roles(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.rules_configs = RulesConfigs(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.rules = Rules(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.stats = Stats(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.tenants = Tenants(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options) = Tickets(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.user_blocks = UserBlocks(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.users_by_email = UsersByEmail(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)
self.users = Users(domain, token, rest_options=rest_options)